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Population 55+ (Cumulative, % of Total Pop)
Population Age 55+
Population Age 60+
Population Age 65+
Population Age 70+
Population Age 75+
Population Age 80+
Population Age 85+
Population 55+ (5 Year Groups, % of 55+)
Population Age 55-59
Population Age 60-64
Population Age 65-69
Population Age 70-74
Population Age 75-79
Population Age 80-84
Population Age 85 or Older
Race / Ethnicity
White (65+), Hispanic or Non-Hispanic
Black (65+), Hispanic or Non-Hispanic
Asian (65+), Hispanic or Non-Hispanic
Hispanic (65+), any race
Female population 65+
Male population 65+
Place of Birth
Foreign born population 65+
Native born population 65+
Family Structure
Householder 65+
Householder; Owner Occupied 65+
Householder; Renter Occupied 65+
Marital Status
Married 65+
Widowed 65+
Separated/Divorced 65+
Never Married 65+
People Living Alone
Living alone population 65+
Alone; Owner Occupied 65+
Alone; Renter Occupied 65+
Grandparent Caretakers
Reponsible for grandchildren under 18
Parents present
No parents present
Educational Attainment
Less than HS Diploma 65+
High School Diploma 65+
Some College or Associated Degree 65+
Bachelor's degree 65+
Graduate or professional degree 65+
Employment Status
In labor force 65+
Unemployed 65+
Not in labor force 65+
Overall Disability
Disability 65+
Specific Disabilities
Ambulatory difficulty 65+
Cognitive difficulty 65+
Hearing difficulty 65+
Independent living difficulty 65+
Self-care difficulty 65+
Vision difficulty 65+
Disability by Poverty
Disability and below poverty 65+
Households and SNAP Benefit
Receiving SNAP, At least 1 person 65+
Population in Poverty
Income age 65+ under 100% of poverty rate
Income age 65+ under 150% of poverty rate
Income age 65+ under 200% of poverty rate
Household Income
Householder 65+; Income Under 25k
Householder 65+; Income Between 25k and 50k
Householder 65+; Income Between 50k and 100k
Householder 65+; Income Between 100k and 200k
Householder 65+; Income Over 200k
Housing Cost Burden
House Cost Burden (35%+) 65+
Owner Cost Burden (35%+) 65+
Renter Cost Burden (35%+) 65+
Language Challenges
Speaks only English 65+
Speaks Another Language, English "Less Than Well" 65+
Speaks Spanish, English "Less Than Well" 65+
Speaks Asian Languages, English "Less Than Well" 65+
Speaks Indo-European Languages, English "Less Than Well" 65+
Speaks Other Languages, English "Less Than Well" 65+
Veteran Status
Veteran population 65+
Internet Access
Population 65+ With No Internet
Population 65+ With No Computer